Wednesday, August 18, 2010

$$$ Money Power Respect, y'all

So I decided to monetize my blog (duh), as you can easily see. Oddly enough, one of the first adds I see crawl up onto my page is for Zenkaikon V, so I'm like whoa, Zenkaikon!! Bad ass!

I attended Zenkaikon at the Valley Forge Convention center in King of Prussia, PA the last two years (2008, 2009) and I had a blast! I probably had more fun at this con than I have at larger cons, and I'm not quite sure why. Maybe it's because the smaller con setting allows you to easily meet new people. Most memorably, I did two karaoke contests put on by DJ Ranma. He runs a podcast about anime and video games that is worth checking out. I also got to see some pretty cool bands, in particular Geist, whom I'd recommend to anyone who likes heavier metal music in the style of newer Dir En Grey.

This march, the con's apparently going to have 4x the space it had last year, which I hope will accommodate the attendance demand that keeps increasing each year. My friend, the artist for the first two YukiYasu albums, Joey Dangerous, is also going to have a table, so I'm pretty excited about that!

Basically, assuming something doesn't come up, I'm planning on attending Zenkaikon V in March! If you're going, hit me up. I'll probably be very hard to miss, if I'm cosplaying, which I likely will be.

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