Thursday, September 23, 2010


I haven't been the productive musician I usually am, so I took some time off to catch up some anime, so I started watching K-ON!

I have to admit, I've always been a fan of music anime; back in the day I remember getting into Lucifer from the anime, Kaiken Phrase, and my band members in WBC and I would go on about how we thought we were like the characters in the band. I remember the episode where they played a concert during a typhoon, and how it inspired me to keep playing my music even though no one really gives a shit about it. I still think about that episode every time I play an outdoor show in bad weather.

Well here in 2010, after watching K-ON!, I'm beginning to feel that "Yuki" is more like K-ON! than Lucifer. First of all, we spend more time drinking tea than we do recording actual music. A typical Yuki practice usually involves Nate and I going into our "Chinatown Reserves" to pull out the rare and overpriced teas we pick up down the city.

Like Yui, my skills on one instrument seem to diminish if I end up practicing another instrument in favor of another, like when Yuki forgot how to play guitar when she learned algebra so she could stay eligible for the club. I just pulled out my viola and realized I'm pretty damn bad at playing it (I haven't touched it in months, I've been mostly playing bass lately). I'll start playing more viola now (there's a few tracks on my new album that could use some real strings), and I'll loose my "polish" on the other instruments I've been neglecting (there's quite a few).

Or like, when it gets cold in the practice room, we get lazy and huddle around the space heater (only this usually results in me burning myself like an idiot). And yeah, I know in K-ON! it's a Koatsu.... damn it...!!! I want my own Koatsu!!!!!

Or when our one guitarist, who isn't Nate, but whom I will not name, neglects to take care of his guitars and allows the strings to get all rusty (and then in turn gets rust all over the fast fret), sort of like when Azusa bitched at Yui for not taking care of her guitar.

And the Schoolgirl uniform? I've got that part taken care of.

I could think of more, but what can I say? I'd like to think of myself as the "Mio" of the group... but I'm really more a cross between Mio (her seriousness and nervousness) and Yui (her air-headedness, weirdness).

Oh well, can't wait till the next band practice (tea party).

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